Half Moon Yoga offers memberships for every type of yoga practice, regardless if you are a new or experienced student.
Our memberships require NO LONG-TERM COMMITMENT
First month payment is required for sign up and is NOT refundable or non-transferable​
Membership commences on the date of sign up and amount will be charged on that date of month each month unless otherwise noted.
All memberships paid monthly are not refundable in part or full after auto-draft has gone through under any circumstances. Memberships paid up front are not refundable under any circumstances.
A credit/debit card must be used for membership payments. Payments/membership fees will be drafted every month to the credit card/debit card on file.
Memberships cannot be set up without credit card information and must remain on file until written cancellation is submitted.
Half Moon Yoga, LLC is in no way, under any circumstances, responsible or obligated to pay for member’s insufficient fund penalties, returned checks, and/or over the limit fees. Member will pay all fees due to insufficient funds
Members may put membership on hold for 1 month after 6 months of continued auto-drafting dues, the first time being 6 months after membership commencement date. This option will only be granted when requested by e-mail to Laurie@halfmoon.yoga
All memberships paid monthly will renew automatically month to month. For cancellations, holds, and/or changes to memberships for any reason, member must notify Half Moon Yoga ,LLC via email at Laurie@halfmoon.yoga at least 30 days prior to next auto-draft, putting “membership cancellation, membership hold, or membership change” as subject heading of email. In turn, Halfmoon Yoga, LLC will send a confirmation via email after the changes have been made to the account. Member agrees that Half Moon Yoga, LLC could take up to 7 business days to respond.
All termination requests will begin 30 days from the written notice. Any and all scheduled charges during those 30 days will process. We reserve the right to not pro-rate purchases. Ex: Your contract renews on the 14th of each month. April 1st a written notice to cancel is received. April 14th's charge for your membership will process. Your last day to attend is May 13th.
Once member has submitted e-mail request for any changes to membership, it is member’s responsibility to ensure that Half Moon Yoga, LLC has responded back on the same e-mail account to confirm processing the request. Half Moon Yoga, LLC is in no way, under any circumstances, responsible for member’s negligence in checking their own bank statements to ensure that membership changes, holds, or cancellations have been processed correctly. In the event of miscommunication member is responsible to produce a copy of their request and response from Half Moon Yoga, LLC for review. Only then, if Half Moon Yoga, LLC did not perform what it agreed to do, Half Moon Yoga, LLC will reimburse any funds rightfully owed to member. In the event that member cannot produce a copy of e-mail correspondence with Half Moon Yoga, LLC then Half Moon Yoga, LLC is not obligated to refund, under any circumstances, dues debited from member’s account.
Membership prices are subject to change. In the event of a change in membership price, members will be notified via email a minimum of two months prior to the change with the opportunity to submit a 30-day written cancellation or change notice.
Class schedule is subject to change without notice. Please check our website for up to the minute changes, additions, and/or cancellations.
Memberships are non-refundable and non-transferable.
Effective Date: 7/2020