Meet The Staff

Laurie Donelson
Owner/Lead Teacher
Starting my yoga journey 19 years ago was a way to bring more balance into my life. As a wife and mother of 2 boys, busy raising a family with all the activities and stresses that go along with parenting, I found yoga. Initially it was a way to relieve my chronic back pain and strengthen my body to avoid further injuries caused by high impact activities. Through yoga, I found that it also helped me calm my mind and increase my mental acuity.

Mare Larson
Yoga Teacher
My hope is to show others what yoga can do to enhance their quality of life at any age, any time. I’ve spent the last 20 years teaching and always learning about the benefits and awareness yoga brings to our minds and body. My life is full of outdoor adventures in nature such as waterskiing, hiking and now mountain climbing. What really sets my heart on fire is my family, Hanna and Greg, and all our many animals and the nature that surrounds us. (Earth momma to my core!)